About: Elaura
Excellence in promoting, using, training and extending the Birkman Method since 2000
Elaura Ltd was established in the UK as a Technology and Business Consultancy in January 2000. The introduction of Birkman into an early client project led to a major pivot of the Business, as the potential of such a powerful and life-changing assessment was immediately apparent to the founders. By 2002, the business was “a Birkman shop”, and has remained that way ever since. In 2010, Elaura Asia Pte Ltd was established in Singapore as a subsidiary (direction of ownership subsequently reversed, with the UK business now the subsidiary of Singapore); and in 2020, Kokkoi Ltd was launched in NZ to cover the Australasian markets, and with a particular focus on helping young people.
TBM has been around for over 70 years, and like any credible assessment, is continually being updated and improved. That said, the core of Dr Birkman’s work has remained remarkably resilient in the face of changing societal norms and Birkman’s own global extension across numerous languages and cultures.
Elaura has always been an innovator in the Birkman community.
In the early 2000's we introduced an audio CD to accompany printed and bound Birkman Reports, meaning that clients could understand the framework of the report before getting on a call to debrief their results. Reports are now digital and the audio guide is online, but the principle remains.
From 2002 we began building software tools combining Birkman data (downloadable .csv files) with customised visualisations and interpretative content. Birkman later launched an API, making it easier to manage data; the appearance on the scene of Tableau as a ‘drag-and-drop’ data visualisation platform meant an end to bespoke programming. Tableau + the API continues to provide the framework for Elaura’s DeepView product line.
From the early days, Elaura’s founders were passionate about bringing the value of Birkman to young people having to make life-shaping decisions with zero objective data. Using a subset of Birkman scores allowed for a more accessible price point, and focused on what would be of most value to teens and young adults, and so the hoozyu Programme was born. Now a dedicated interactive online platform packed with data and interpretative content, hoozyu has reached young people all over the world.
This in turn sparked its corporate cousin, expresso - designed as a cost-effective way to deploy Birkman-based learning in large scale enterprises, with or without external consultant support.
The focus on producing content to extend the impact of Birkman has also led to our development of major learning resources (available at learn.elaura.com and learn.kokkoi.com).
Team and Associates
At Elaura we have a small core team, with a larger group of Birkman Certified partners and associates with whom we work.

Our team are headed up by Elaura founders, and Master-Certified Birkman Professionals, Jon and Sarah Mason.
As a Birkman Learning Partner, training in-house and independent consultants from as far afield as Sweden and Ireland, all the way to Japan and China and down to NZ and Australia, Elaura maintains an active support group for the BCPs it trains.
This means that we can connect you with experienced Birkman Consultants in many countries and languages. Contact us to find out more.