The Birkman Mindset Report
for Coaching and Development
Practical metacognition for individual leaders and senior teams
The Birkman Mindset Report takes self-awareness and self-management to a new level for individual leaders and leadership teams. If despite coaching interventions, a leadership team is struggling to address the elephant in the room, almost certainly Mindset can get them unstuck.
From the individual perspective, key outcomes include understanding your view of:
How different you believe yourself to be, and how different other people are from one another
How conventional or non-conformist you are
The extent to which you invest energy in maintaining your public image
How realistic your expectations are of other people’s behaviour
and how this provides you with both strengths and challenges - and the perceptions others may have of you as a result.
For leadership teams, additional outcomes are:
Identifying critical disconnects within the team
Understanding why some attitudes and behaviours are never challenged
Building a leadership culture where genuine openness and absolute trust can coexist
Overcoming derailers which prevent individuals being heard in the team
Understanding how risk can be managed without paralysing a commitment to action​

What's the process?
If participants have already completed the Birkman Questionnaire, then we can simply run the Mindset Reports required.
If not they will need to complete the Birkman Questionnaire to receive their Mindset Report.
Who is going to deliver this for me?
BCPs (Birkman Certified Professionals) who have completed the additional Mindset Training are required to facilitate any Mindset-based intervention.
What Birkman Data is included in Birkman Mindset?
This chart shows you which sections of the Birkman Data are available as part of the Birkman Mindset Report.
Despite containing only 5 scores this interpretive report packs a punch. While the Signature Report looks at behaviours and perspectives, this report will surface mindset level insights, and the ways these shape us.
There is a lot to unpack, and implications to be understood which affect every area of an individual's life and work.

"This captures an aspect of my personality that you wouldn’t know from looking at my Signature Report, yet when I read it here it suddenly clicks - yes that is absolutely true of me, it’s just not something I’ve consciously thought about myself before!"
Birkman Certified Professional, after receiving their Mindset Report and Conversation
"Mindset Report has been really transformational in terms of my own self-understanding. Appreciating that my moderate scores on Distinctiveness & Alignment potentially create confusion in the minds of others was a big take-away. True, they provide me a versatility and allow me to see multiple sides to issues but this keeps others 'off balance,’ especially when I often fail to communicate my thinking & reasoning."
Birkman Master Certified Professional, after going through Mindset Certification
Whether you are looking at running TBM across your entire enterprise, helping some senior executives, or ‘fixing’ a key team’s performance issues - we have solutions to help you get there.