You are the CEO of a business with thousands of employees. You swim in an ocean of data and information about every aspect of your business - except one.
The human one.
Yes, you have all kinds of data about your employees as human resources - how many FTEs you have, total payroll, employee engagement results, performance appraisals (for the ones closer to you, at least) and so on. What’s lacking is insight into them as humans.
This matters. It is precisely the things that make them human - their passions and motivations, their perceptions of themselves and of the world around them - that are going to impact your business more than any other factor. The fact that you may not believe that to be the case actually just illustrates the problem: “what can be measured, gets managed”, we say; and we have been particularly poor at measuring the human factor.
It can be done, however. Measure the motivation and perceptions of your employees accurately, and you can also tell, with great certainty:
- what will engage them;
- where they can most readily develop real talent;
- how they can manage themselves more effectively;
- the best way to communicate with them; and
- where their ‘blind spots’ are.
Do this, and you will be able to see the actual and potential capacity at your disposal to execute the organisational mission; you can ensure that on any given day, the majority of your employees will be getting up, excited by the opportunity to go to work; and everyone (and every team) can have someone flying alongside to help them check their blind spots.
And that is just for starters. Individual insight is powerful, but aggregate that data across your organisation, and by team, function and division, and you have insight that few of your competitors will even think about trying to replicate. You could, for example, segment your organisation by role, and discover what is the ‘secret sauce’ that makes your most stellar customer service people a cut above the rest (or your best design engineers, or sales reps, or janitors) - and then use that profile to find more like them.
Getting people to take responsibility for their own development becomes comparatively easy when you can give them powerful insight into their own motivations and perceptions; whether using a self-service platform and self-paced learning or going deep with a coach, your employees are incredibly motivated to understand themselves better.
Because that is the ultimate reason why we - companies and organisational leaders - have been so weak in this area: we all struggle to explain ourselves, let alone anyone else.
Talk to us to find out just how quickly and cost-effectively you could be looking at the human insight you have been missing out on.