Explain Yourself - The Elaura Blog
How to get the programme you really need
I have written several times over the years about how Job Descriptions which give too much detail drive off the stellar performer...
Does Personality Change?
The question I am most frequently asked when I explain the stability of Birkman data...
What can profiling & assessment tools do for me?
The truth is, just like with many things, there is a plethora of tools out there claiming to measure just about anything...
What does a credible Organisational Assessment look like?
Unless you are a trained statistician, and preferably a psychometrician, it may be challenging to make sense of the typical technical manual, with its reliability and validity statistics...
What a bad hire actually costs you
There is a widely held attitude that says that in buyer's market, employers have their choice of the supply, so recruitment gets easier...
Why would you embrace change?
Change is difficult; everyone knows that. There is 'change resistance', 'change reluctance', 'change aversion' and (danger, Will Robinson!) 'change management'. So change must be a really big deal...
Implementing success
Why not Google 'implementation success rate', as I just did, and see how many corporate programmes of all kinds never make it into the air...
What would fix your Change Programme in 2017?
I was recently reminded of my favourite exit interview story...
Sketching the End-to-End Talent & Development Backbone
If your CFO reported last quarter's results in dollars, this quarter's results expressed in how many boxes of product had left the factory, and next quarter's using the number of chocolate bars employees had consumed, you would soon be looking for a new CFO…
Manage your own development, right now!
Chances are, even if you really love your current job, that you want to develop your career. You would like more responsibility, more opportunity - even if you still want to be flying the plane, or closing the deal, or writing the code...
Make or break for high achievers
Here's a thought, prompted by a conversation with colleagues this week, for your personal development folder...
In the future, you will manage your own career (and so will everyone else)
I wrote a few months back about the problems with most programmes for identifying high-potential employees...
It's not what it seems
Just spent a day working in Tableau, looking at our some of our aggregated Birkman data...
Picking up lost threads
I remember reading a crime novel years ago about an antiques dealer who had an incredibly slow vintage car. At the climax of the plot, just when being able to travel somewhere above 7 mph would have been really useful, the female interest of the story elbows him out of the way, takes the wheel and - with a flick of the dashboard lever - sets the car racing down the road at 40mph. Yes: the car has gears; its owner had just failed to recognise their existence.
How do young people become work and future ready?
A couple of weeks back I attended a Problem Based Learning (PBL) event hosted by Republic Polytechnic, here in Singapore. I’m a great fan of variety (Green Needs - to the Birkman savvy!) and this 3-day symposium provided plenty!
Don't pigeonhole people: change lives
If anyone had told me, even at the beginning of 2000 when we first registered Elaura as a company...
L&D needs a platform, not another programme
Talking with leaders of HR, OD, Talent and L&D for large, MNC organisations operating in Asia, I hear two consistent themes.
One thing your Clients really don't want you to even think
I was reading an interesting review of organisational design for HR organisations yesterday, but stumbled when I saw that deadliest of phrases:
Check your blind spots!
I’ve told this story before, but it is apposite. In his early 80s, my father (who went on until just past his 98th birthday), started to develop holes in his retinas (macular degeneration).
The future, not to mention the present, still needs people
Was just reading an interesting piece on how the Internet of Things (IoT) is going to impact businesses over the next 4 years...
Hungry HiPos
For most of the past 17 years, I have had clients asking for help selecting candidates for their High Potential programme...