I recently helped put together a guide to facilitating a group conversation using hoozyu (see end of post if you’d like to access this) and it got me thinking about what the most important and useful aspects of a group discussion actually are, when it comes to hoozyu…

Chances are you’ll have your own way of doing things, but here are 5 ideas I think will help you get the most out of any group session around hoozyu - whether you’re making use of a discussion guide or simply ‘winging it’!

1. Use the available resources

If you aren’t already aware, there’s a number of resources available to you via the hoozyu platform. Simply go to the Printable Worksheets page (you’ll need to be logged in to access it) and you’ll find not only worksheets, but handouts and reference guides as well.

No matter how familiar you are with your own hoozyu data, it always helps to have these reference sheets to hand, to remind yourself not only what your scores mean, but also how others differ from you. The Grid Reference Sheet is particularly useful for seeing how each of the four colours play out for each of the symbols: Asterisk (Interest), Diamond (Usual), Circle (Need) and Square (Stress).

If you’re running a group session with friends or family, or if you are facilitating a group of students or young people, it really helps for each person to have their own copy of these materials - that they can keep and make their own notes on, both during and after the session.

2. Get everyone involved

In a group session it can sometimes be tempting to rush through the data in order to fit everything in - especially if you are facilitating a large group, or are tight on time.

In fact, in these situations it would be much better to cover less of the data, in more detail, and getting everyone involved - rather than trying to cover everything, briefly.

You see, when you rush through things there’s a danger that individuals end up not understanding or connecting with the data at all. You might cover everything in the hopes of giving them more information to work with, and instead they leave the session, fatigued and lacking clarity, and never think about it again.

If, on the other hand, you spend an hour covering just one section of the data - say: Interests - and you get each person to talk about their scores, to compare top Interests, to share stories and experiences, to question any scores they are not sure about, and to recognise the variety within the group… you’ve given them a compelling experience, and a picture of the depth and power of the data, that will help them to continue exploring their other scores on their own time.

3. Start with the key data

Leading on from the last point, it’s always a good idea to start with the key data, in case you run out of time.

…Now, before your mind jumps immediately to the Careers Data, let me give you a clue: that’s not it.

Oh sure, the Careers Data can give you some very powerful insights, but generally not for the reasons people assume.

No, in hoozyu, the most vital pieces of the data to cover are the individual Interest scores, and then Usual, Need & Stress on the Grid.

The Interest scores give individuals insight into their motivations, which are key. While those Grid scores reveal: their ‘normal’ behaviour, their behaviour under stress and the underlying needs that dictate which of those behaviours they are going to display in different environments (which can be life-changing).

Covering these two areas of the data is already a lot, and if you want to do it thoroughly, or include the Focus and Careers Data too, it’s wise to split the content over two or more sessions.

4. Use conversation prompts

A great way to keep people engaged is to get them discussing specific areas of the data, or applications, in small groups. This also ensures everyone has a chance to speak and share thoughts on their own scores - even if you’re short on time.

Give the groups 2-3 questions or prompts, and a set amount of time for discussion. Then collect everyone back together and have each group share some of the key responses they came up with.

Example prompts might include:

  • What motivates us? What demotivates us?
  • As a group do we share common Interests? What does this suggest?
  • How varied are we, in terms of Usual Behaviour?
  • What kind of environment do each of us Need?
  • Does my Need conflict with the Usual Behaviour of others in my group?
  • And what might this mean for us? etc. etc.

5. Give ‘homework’

Providing suggested activities, specific worksheets to complete, or areas of the platform to explore, is a good way to make sure that people are at least aware of what additional content is available to them. It may even be enough to encourage them to take a look and engage with their data on their own time!

The more you can help people to engage and reflect on their scores, the more they will get out of hoozyu, and the greater the likelihood that they will still be making use of this data years down the line.

(Note: I completed the questionnaire 12 years ago and I still use the data on a regular basis, and continue to uncover new depths of what it means for me!)

So those are my 5 tips! If you’d like to get your hands on a copy of our Guide to facilitating a group conversation using hoozyu just drop us an email to support@hoozyu.com with the subject line hoozyu Conversation Guide and we’ll send you the PDF.

If you are a trained hoozyu facilitator (via Siminars or face-to-face training) you can also request access to our hoozyu workshop packages which include facilitator notes, slides and worksheets. Just drop us an email to the same address, with info on how / when you trained, and ask for our ‘hoozyu workshop packages’!