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Talking through your hoozyu: tips for finding a good mentor
Talking to someone else about our ideas, concerns, decisions and plans is often very helpful. But that is, unfortunately, not always the case...
My Headlines: Career & Role
You may, or you may not, be equipped for the roles that appear as your highest matches - what this data does is give you a clue into the fields or roles you may find it motivating and enjoyable to work in...
My Headlines: Style
If I find myself behaving in a counter-productive way, or developing a toxic perspective of other people - then I know that there’s probably something going on ‘beneath the surface’...
My Headlines: Motivation
If you're looking for a quick and snappy reminder of how you can stay energised this week, your best bet is probably to check out My Headlines...
Work with what you have
Having a huge number of possibilities can be a lot harder than only having a couple of options...
Positive Framing
A big part of what hoozyu does, is to help frame both the visible and the hidden aspects of our personalities and perspectives, in a positive and applicable way...
Dental Assistants: Do you bake?
This set me thinking about the nature of jobs. When we hear the name of a job or role what do we picture, or think it all’s about?...
Understanding your career options (Part 2)
This data can provide really great insights - but only if you approach, and use, it correctly! It isn’t telling you what to do, simply telling you who you look like...
Understanding your career options
Once you understand the areas where you'll be best able to develop talent, it makes it a lot easier to narrow down the kinds of careers that are likely to suit you...
You might have more options than you think... (Part 2)
In Part 1, I showed you how to identify the enterprise skills you are developing; now let's explore actual jobs to see how readily ‘transferable’ your skills are...
You might have more options than you think...
In the world of work, Enterprise Skills are highly valued and in increasing demand across many jobs and industries...
Holiday Tips: Follow your Interests
If you're going away during this summer break, think about what kind of environment, activities and atmosphere are going to be most refreshing and energising for you...
Do family gatherings leave you drained?
If all your markers are low down on the Grid you may find hectic group interactions pretty wearing...
Indulge in the things that inspire you
You should get to the end of your holiday, not only well-rested, but also feeling good about how you spent your time...
Doing (& developing) your best thing
Take a few moments to reflect on the things you enjoy spending time on, have enthusiasm for, and put effort into - then ask yourself why you love those things...
Start your success story
If you're not serious about putting in the time and the commitment now, you're not serious about having that future that you picture for yourself...
What do you aspire to?
I've used hoozyu with young people who weren’t considered to have great futures ahead of them. I saw many light up at seeing their ‘best thing’...
Where could I shine?
For all those old notions of the tortured genius, the truth is that most people shine at doing something they (really) love...
Who am I, really?
The key question you have to be able to answer for yourself is “Who am I, really?” - the starting point is to acknowledge there is more to you than just how you see yourself...
Who am I, Usually?
This is how you see yourself, and how you are able to behave when not experiencing the pressure or discomfort of an environment ill-suited to your Needs...
Motivation, Behaviour & Perspective
Keep digging deeper and engaging with these scores and you'll keep getting more out of them!...
It's not what you think...
How do we know what life as ‘an anything’ is really like, especially when we are in our teens...
Future-proof yourself
There is a good deal being written, spoken and researched on the future of careers and the future world of work...
What shall I do with my life?
Making decisions about what kind of job / career / lifestyle / endeavour you are working towards can be pretty difficult. It can take some of us a long time to discover what we really want to do...
Avoiding the post-success blues
If you've ever had the experience of reaching an ultimate high point, then you probably know what's all too often on the other side...
Testing, testing, 1 2 3...
Making the most of work-experience and internship opportunities will help you find the best path for you...
Engage Your Focus
When you understand, and can intentionally engage, your focus you'll find you are able to achieve a whole new level of positive and productive work or activity...
The Interests Scale
Everyone gets the same 10 Interests - but the order and magnitude of these scores is different for each individual...
Work in Progress: How are you developing yourself?
Self-development is for everyone. Business leaders and CEOs, high school students and new graduates... there's no point at which you can dust off your hands and say 'done'...
5 ideas for better group sessions using hoozyu
Here are 5 ideas I think will help you get the most out of any group session around hoozyu - whether you're making use of a discussion guide or simply 'winging it'...!
The Colours of Interest
Each Interest describes a unique area, but when we look at the groupings and colours of your Interest scores that can tell us something too...
A foundation for talent
Understanding what works for us, and what doesn’t, is a very important step in understanding where and how we can develop our talent...